
I realize I have been missing in action and that it has been months since I have posted anything.   I have been struggling with motivation to run this year.  Trying to fit a training schedule into my work schedule has proved itself difficult.

We joined a training program at one of the local running stores in hopes that it would help us be more intentional and make sure that training runs were logged.  This helped some but I still found myself being forced into doing runs and logging some of the longest runs on the marathon schedule on my own.   And I still found myself not able to do any of the weekday runs with them due to my work schedule.

I did run 2 marathons this fall but struggled majorly with them.  One of them I was diverted and wound up being 2 miles short of a marathon and the other one was my slowest marathon to date.  (I will be posting recaps of these on the blog soon.)

My sister and I are still trying to qualify for Marathon Maniacs and have a plan to qualify by May next year.  Our plan is to run the Little Rock Marathon in March, the Hogeye Marathon in April and the Flying Pig Marathon in May.  Training for Little Rock has already started and I am hopeful to try to accomplish this goal finally in 2019.  (This will be try 4 for Marathon Maniacs).  We are going to train again with our local running store as they are training for another local race in April.

Here’s to motivation.  I’ve been doing lots of reading over this past year and have gotten back to reading running books and have found myself wanting to run which has been a change.  One of the books I recently finished is Marathon Woman by Kathrine Switzer.  She is one of the courageous women who proved that women can run distances longer than 800 meters (1/2 mile) and ran the Boston Marathon in 1967 as the first official woman (although women would not be recognized as official finishers until the early 70’s) to run the marathon.  She realized as she was accosted by the race director that she had to finish the race or else she was going to prove the men correct.  She finished under 4 1/2 hours.  I had a chance to meet her earlier this fall and told her thank you.  

Find the why to dig deep, to have the courage to go for your goal - click for more great running quotes
Source: Pinterest
Follow these fitness video to tone up your arms in 12 minutes!
Source: Pinterest
RUNNING WITH OLLIE: Fart Whats? Oh! Fartlek!
Source: Pinterest

Runner Things #2118: We run to undo the damage we've done to body and spirit. We run to find some part of ourselves yet undiscovered.

Love this quote! F-E-A-R has two meanings. #life #quotes #inspiration
Source: Pinterest

Consider yourself motivated and go accomplish great things today.  As for me, I’m going to attempt to stick to my training schedule, run with my training group when I’m able to and hold myself accountable for getting my runs in even if it means lots of early morning runs. 

Until next time,


We’re Going to Chicago!

My sister and I have decided to try to take on the World Majors and are starting next year at the Chicago Marathon. We decided to skip the lottery and fund raise for one of the many charities which they have for Chicago. We are raising money for Paws Chicago.

Paws Chicago is the Midwest’s largest no kill animal shelter. They were founded in 1997 in response to a high euthanasia rate among cats and dogs. Since then the rate has dropped over 80%. They have a broad approach to the problem of homeless animals. They have a top notch medical clinic which takes the sickest animals and nurses them back to health. They have spay and neuter clinics and even offer low cost programs in poorer areas of Chicago. They have adopted over 5,000 animals each year for the last few years.

We have our own rescue dog story. Our dog Precious was adopted from the Tulsa Humane Society. She was 6 months old when my brother adopted her. We were out of town running a half marathon in Dallas, TX. Our brother told us he had a new fishing buddy and we fully expected it to be new human friend. To our surprise, he sent the first pictures we have of Precious. We came back and fell in love with her instantly and can’t imagine life without her. Precious would like for you to help her mommies run for the other dogs in Chicago.

Please consider helping me reach my goal of raising $1250 for Paws Chicago. You can use the link below to go to my fundraising page. And all donations are tax deductible.

Image may contain: dog, outdoor and nature
Precious, our rescue puppy
Image may contain: dog
Minnie Mouse Precious
Image may contain: one or more people, people standing and outdoor
Precious and her daddy
Image may contain: snow, tree, outdoor and nature
Snowball eating Precious