Taking My First DNF

Friday Musings (A Day Late)

I apologize for not posting for a couple of weeks.  I am still adjusting to my new work schedule and trying to find time to keep writing.

So here is what has happened the last 2 weeks:

Saturday, May 27: I didn’t run this day but had 8 miles on my schedule.  I worked for a little bit in the morning and then ran errands.

Sunday, May 28: We went to church in the morning.  In the afternoon, I worked a couple of hours with a co-worker to get bibs prepared for a race the next day.  It was neat to see what happens behind the scenes to help prepare for a race.

Monday, May 29 (Memorial Day): My Memorial Day started with working a local 5k, fun run and bike race.  This was my first race working as a Fleet Feet staff member so it was nice to help out at a race and get paid for it.  I also started a run streak this day going from Memorial Day to Independence Day.  I ran 2 miles to start my run streak.

Tuesday, May 30: This day I only ran 1.20 miles.  I was not feeling good and had a major headache.

Wednesday, May 31: This day I ran 4.50 miles at a 13 minute/mile pace before work.  After work we took our puppy dog on a 2 mile walk.

Thursday, June 1: This day I ran 4 miles at 12:44 minute/mile pace before work.

Friday, June 2: I ran 5 miles at an average 12 minute/mile pace.  We then took our puppy on a 2 mile walk in the evening.  This was also my busiest day at work so far.  I processed 43 boxes of inventory this day.  I found out later that it might be a receiving record for my local Fleet Feet Sports.

Saturday, June 3: I participated in a mock trail run put on by Fleet Feet and went 6 miles.  We then took our puppy on a 1.75 mile walk.

Sunday, June 4: I ran 2.70 miles this day after church.

Monday, June 5: I only ran 3.10 miles this day at an average 13:00 minute/mile pace.

Tuesday, June 6: I only ran 2.75 miles this day at an average 12:45 minute/mile pace.  This run was very difficult.  You have good ones and you have bad runs.  We then took our puppy for a 1 mile walk.

Wednesday, June 7 (Global Running Day): Wednesdays are usually my cross training days but I had to run on Global Running Day.  I did a 5k at an average 13:31 minute/mile pace.  My Fleet Feet location was one of about 50 in the country that were participating in the Big Run sponsored by Brooks.  There was a national leaderboard and everything.  I worked the race and actually was the staff person at registration which was new.  It was a really fun event run exclusively on the running trails we have by the river.

Thursday, June 8: I ran 4 miles at an average pace of 13:00 minute/mile.

What is on tap for me this weekend? Running 6 miles on Friday, watching some Tulsa Tough bike racing downtown.  Running 6-8 miles on Saturday, working Sunday morning, going to our church birthday party Sunday afternoon, and running a mile to keep my run streak going.

Until next time,
