Topical Tuesday: Cross Training

On today’s edition of Topical Tuesday, I am going to talk about cross training.  I’ve mentioned before that cross training is an important part of a runners plan.  This is part of your injury prevention and will keep you running longer.

Runners World Magazine defines cross training as the following: “Cross-training, sometimes referred to as circuit training, refers to combining exercises of other disciplines, different than that of the athlete in training. In reference to running, cross-training is when a runner trains by doing another kind of fitness workout such as cycling, swimming, a fitness class or strength training, to supplement their running….”  (for the full article go here:

So if cross training is combining other exercise of other disciplines than running what would those be?  Think about exercises that still use your legs but use them in a different way than running does.  Some examples are:

  • Cycling – this is one of my favorites.  It is amazing how differently this uses your legs and can even help stretch out tight muscles.
  • Swimming – a great non-weight bearing exercise
  • Elliptical – another one of my favorites
  • Hiking or Walking – this works the muscles similarly to running but uses them differently
  • Yoga – this is a great way to stretch out those overused muscles
  • Dancing – this causes your muscles to move in a different way to move your body
  • Strength Training – one of my favorite ways to strength train is looking on Pinterest for different workouts.
  • Stairmaster – doing stairs is a great way to get your heart rate up

What are some of your favorites?  How do you cross train?

Until next time,



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