Exciting Announcement

Since I started running the half marathon distance in 2015, it has been on my bucket list to run at least one full marathon.   After doing some research my sister and I determined that we would like to run the Marine Corps Marathon (MCM) as our first full marathon.  MCM is on October 22 and is held in Washington D.C.  It starts and finishes in Arlington Cemetery by the Marine Corps Monument.  MCM has lots of perks for first time marathoners which is an added plus.  It is also on lots of bucket lists of marathons you have to do in your lifetime.

So many people have a desire to run MCM that they have a lottery to pick out the people who will have the chance to run the marathon.  To enter the lottery, you have a week to sign up for the marathon like you would normally.  However you don’t pay for the entry fee unless you are one that is selected in the lottery. The lottery was held from March 22 to March 29.  Those selected would be contacted on March 30 and payment would be taken.

On March 30, my sister and I found out that both of us got into MCM.  My initial reaction was excitement and nervousness.  After taking the weekend to think about, I am still excited and looking forward to marathon training but also still am very nervous.

I am looking forward to sharing my journey from the half marathon to the marathon with you all.  Marathon training will start around July 4th.  Nothing like training during the summer in Oklahoma!  Oh well, we will have to get creative and have lots of early morning training runs for sure.

marine corp logo

Until next time,


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